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Saturday, November 26, 2011
Friday, November 18, 2011
The dreaded "I" word
Image via Wikipedia |
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Thursday, November 17, 2011
silly world
Freedom's just a word today
Freedom's just a word
When someone takes your word away it's seldom ever heard
So take a sentence full of things you're not supposed to say
Carry on, but don't write it down or you'll be gone
Love is just a song today
Love is just a song
When someone takes the song away
you seldom sing along
So take those lyrics serious and sing your life away
Carry on, but don't write 'em down or they'll be gone
All we ever do is talk
We like to ride but we never walk
We make it so damn easy
We get bored
Why can't anybody see what's good for you is good for me
I can't take your sillyworld
I can't take your sillyworld no more
Peace is just two fingers now
Peace was just a phase
When someone put it on a shirt
you knew to count the days
So take those fingers tape 'em up and shove 'em up your ass and carry on
but don't try it now cause peace is gone
All we ever do is talk
We like to ride but we never walk
We make it so damn easy
We get bored
Why can't anybody see what's good for you is bad for me
I can't take your sillyworld
I can't take your sillyworld no more
We fight our instincts
We go to extremes
We fight our instincts
We go to extremes
We fought a lot
- Stone sour
Freedom's just a word
When someone takes your word away it's seldom ever heard
So take a sentence full of things you're not supposed to say
Carry on, but don't write it down or you'll be gone
Love is just a song today
Love is just a song
When someone takes the song away
you seldom sing along
So take those lyrics serious and sing your life away
Carry on, but don't write 'em down or they'll be gone
All we ever do is talk
We like to ride but we never walk
We make it so damn easy
We get bored
Why can't anybody see what's good for you is good for me
I can't take your sillyworld
I can't take your sillyworld no more
Peace is just two fingers now
Peace was just a phase
When someone put it on a shirt
you knew to count the days
So take those fingers tape 'em up and shove 'em up your ass and carry on
but don't try it now cause peace is gone
All we ever do is talk
We like to ride but we never walk
We make it so damn easy
We get bored
Why can't anybody see what's good for you is bad for me
I can't take your sillyworld
I can't take your sillyworld no more
We fight our instincts
We go to extremes
We fight our instincts
We go to extremes
We fought a lot
- Stone sour
Friday, November 4, 2011
Composition project
Oh goodie for me I get to write my first big project for school. I have 3 big projects due at the end of November but the Composition project is what I am excited about most. I get get to argue a position of my choice and of course guess what I am choosing! Of course something to do with ALIENS! I can't decide whether I am going to argue that Our race was started by aliens or whether intelligent extraterrestrials exist at all. the latter would be easier to get a better grade on. So After I get it written then I will post it.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Monday, October 31, 2011
Okay I happened to be watching Jon Stewart and Steven Colbert (my two favorite news anchors) and I saw a clip of the protests in Oakland. I am not sure what the protests are about. I don't don't watch the regular news that often. It's depressing and most often there to make me mad so unless something serious happened I don't watch. But I did see the police violating civil rights. I have been in the Military and trained to be a police officer and learned all there is to know about someones rights and the police's ability to temporarily remove some of them and in some cases permanently remove your most important right: The right to live.
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- Jon Stewart Takes On Oakland Police Actions At Protest (
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New Focus
As I said I am looking for a new focus. So I'll just throw some ideas out there. As I can tell by lack of comments these words are just floating out in the interweb. However I like to use this to catalog certain epiphanies and conclusions. So....What to write about. Genetics? Weird diseases? Origination of man? Evolution? The Illuminati? Oh! Can I say something about the Illuminati? Please, if you think you sound more intelligent by saying Nibiru is made up by the Illuminati to spread their religious beliefs and to control the world blah blah blah. Let me open your eyes to the fact you are viewed just as insane as anyone else even considering the Idea that there is a planet coming towards us. I get very irritated and annoyed when someone throws me the Illuminati ball at me. I just think to myself REALLY? That isn't a trump card you can throw down at anytime to when the argument. I don't know much about them but it seems when I argue with someone who does and I know more about what I am arguing than they do, it always seems to turn out, no matter what was last said, they think they are right. I am not trying to generalize all Illuminati experts but half the time they aren't experts and get information from shady sources. If you ask me I have never had an urge to learn about them because it just doesn't seem true to me. Yes, there is some ancient secret society that oulls all the puppet strings of the government and uses famous members to sway public opinion and attention. And you look at me like I am weird because I believe there is intelligent life somewhere in the universe? right..... Ans people who come at me thumping the bible as if it could be trusted as an accurate historical document when it was supposedly written in a time when it couldn't be corrupted are tarnished by the hands of greedy men. Please... I believe there is an omnipotent force. I am a spiritual person and believe that there is some sort of after-life. That isn't the problem: praying, having faith, charity, community volunteering, practicing a positive lifestyle. Those things aren't the problem. Its the greed and politics behind the curtain I don't like. The Bible does speak of peace but so does the Karan. It is the people who misuse it and twist its words in their favor. That is what I don't like. Freedom's definition has become tainted and altered. Freedom to me is not to be bound by money or government. I think Money is the main root of our problems and we should get rid of it. That is my opinion yet do you think if the government and which ever random branch they'd send to question me to make sure I am not a terrorist, would look at my words and not want to punish me? In the public eye, no. Of course not. They stray away from publicly violating a persons civil rights. Call me a socialist or communist or any of those words that triggered a specific response in your mind. If the communist system wasn't abused and so limiting it may have worked. I don't know. But I still think money is ridiculous and we give false value to a piece of paper that an organization can print at will. What should have real value to us is the people that make our everyday life possible. Even the angst teenager at the McDonalds drive through window who hands you your morning coffee and breakfast. Why is it that we have work to be done and nobody is doing it? Oh! because we don't have these pieces of paper to give you when you're done! Oh shit! Wow...If I had a neighbor who gardened really well but couldn't cook worth a damn but I was an excellent cook.....can you connect the dots? If we traded our skills then that would force everyone to become useful and if you weren't useful than you wouldn't have a place to live, eat or have fun. People get into professions because they are good at it and they enjoy doing it. That is all anyone needs in their life is satisfaction and no stress. I'll give you an example I think may work. Think communal living without the hippies. You would still be able to have a huge house with all its sparkling glamor but you would have to live in a community that had a team of construction workers and you would have to have a en equally useful skill to add to the community. Then the smaller communities could trade jobs with other small communities. I understand it could have some of the same issues as any other system but at least they couldn't take you're skill from you. If you are a welder then you will always know how to weld and you'd just have to find someone who needed a welder. I am not going to plan out a whole economical structure here...I think I am making my point. Well it was interesting how that turned out. I guess today I am feeling a little more on the government conspiracy side. or am I always?
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Sunday, October 30, 2011
Update of sorts
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Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Comet Elein

You learn something new everyday.....or whatever they say. The theories are endless. I stumbled upon ( not the website) a blog two nights ago. I decided to read it because the blog's author was discrediting Zecharia Sitchin's work. ( there are always haters) I read the whole thing and wasn't too impressed. But the comments are always the most intriguing. Another poster said something about Comet Elenin. I haven't heard anything else about it. According to it was discovered in 2010 and should appear in our area in september this year. By october 2011 it will be visible with binoculars. While it's being speculated that it will have any affect on us, Nasa stands their ground it wont have any noticeable affects. Uh! hello? The sun has the greatest effect on us and its way further away! And it's kind of funny that we have all these apocolyptic phrophecies dated for the next couple years and when a comet is coming our way and they say....Oh no don't worry about that.... WTF! Completely outrageous. That comet is probably just the beginning. According to various articles quoting NASA the closest it will get is 22 million miles. That is still technically "deep space" about 90 times the distance between the moon and earth. Well excuse me NASA for being such an idiot for think that this dinky comet might do something unexpected. Youtube does nothing to back NASA's claims. Russian news reports and press releases claim the the comet is under intelligent control that it is coming straight for us. What ever the truth we will have some sort of show on October 16th 2011. Very close. Mark your calenders. BTW..... There are rumors that Comet Elenin is supposed to cause earth quakes. I felt the earth quake today while sitting in my living room. I live in Ohio! Earth quakes are a rarity here. People in New York City felt it. Washington DC was evacuating politicians. Evacuating? seriously? Do they evacuate Californian politicians every time there is an Earthquake. You'd think they would know if there were and inbound bomb or just an Earthquake. wow. Something is fishy.
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Saturday, August 20, 2011
Behind the Sun
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Nibiru....endless questions, endless answers

Okay, so lately I've been focusing my research on Nibiru. For those of you in the dark on what that is, I'm not going to explain. As my title says there are endless answers to you questions and those answers will only cause endless questions. Look it up. The internet is packed full of information.
I first became aware of the planet while reading Zecharia Sitchin's work. Though I haven't made it through the first book yet, He makes compelling arguments. As well as providing an excruciating amount of information and evidence. And the internet only amplifies the evidence brought forth by him. You would be amazed at what these so called "independent" anthropologists, archeologists, scientists, doctors and all of the sorts are finding in our history and believe it or not our present. They can't be making it up. Impossible. To even mention a serious interest of pursuing research in this field is complete career suicide, in the sense you aren't going to get funding from "typical" donors or schools. If they do they have to claim its for some other "reasonable" reason. The "mainstream" just doesn't put up with it. And it's not hard to guess why. Money makes this world go around and the people that control it, don't like it when out of control things are obviously going on. So let the cover ups begin! They will have every asshole critic and wise ass making you feel dumb for believing the "crazy" people. And if that is what they want to call me and you're going to believe it, I don't care. Ignorance truly is bliss. A false bliss that almost all of us are content on continuing. Thinking for yourself isn't encouraged and practically deemed dangerous and the people you interact with on a daily basis are subconsciously conditioned to nurse that idea.
Of course there aren't classes in college that out right say in the title "deceit 101". No. They manipulate every phrase and word so its psychologically satisfying to your ears. Therefore you don't attend deceit 101, you attend debate class, or business class. I once met a man who was a professor at a small law school who admitted the techniques he taught weren't to "do the right thing" or "win, fair and square" or even "administer justice". The techniques were how to take any piece of information and make it work for you, whether it was honest or not. Basically manipulation and lying class. The evidence of this is all around. And the reason I am getting so deep into this "manipulation" thing is, people are going to say "Nibiru isn't real And this single person said so and that is why I believe it isn't". And what will you say back? I don't know? Yes it is? You're wrong? That won't make you better than them and it certainly won't make you right. I'm not here to tell you about all the evidence. I'm saying the evidence is out there. Don't believe all of it, of course not. But do take it in to consideration instead of just saying "NOPE! Not real! The news says its not real. why would they lie?" The news has every reason to lie. The news has every reason to push your attention else where. Propaganda has evolved. Not a lot, but it has to a certain point. Everyone thinks propaganda is for third world countries and dictatorships. No my friend, It's here and now. Just look around.
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- The Web That Cried Wolf: Nibiru, Drama Drama And More Drama (
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- The Nibiru Effect: What's Causing Mass Die Off of Earth's Flora and Fauna? (
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Okay so it's been a while.....I don't think I'm apologizing to anyone but I feel it is in order for future blogs. I have decided that the idea of aliens having some sort of involvement in our lives is not only plausible but just plain intriguing. What even solidified this idea was none other than the history channel. When I say solidify I mean I have been dreaming and contemplating the idea of aliens a long time. I remember asking my mother if god was an alien. Seriously does it make sense that we are the only ones that are "intelligent" in this universe. and before you answer that think about how big the universe is for one. Then think about how small we are in comparison. It's not much different than ants living in a remote part of the earth. Just because those ants haven't seen humans doesn't mean that we don't exist. And further more if we were so subtle in our observation of these ants then we could know their habits without them knowing they were even being watched.
I was a criminal justice major but after I realized I had a genuine interest in this area I decided it was time to really pursue this and put all of of my energy into it. I'm passionate about this I'm secure in the fact that I would be completely happy researching this for several years. So I changed my major to science and am planning of getting a bach in anthroplogy but that is subject to change if I find a degree that gives me more opportunities in the field that I choose.
So with that the next two years I will be earning my associates in science but i still plan on doing my own research and directing my education in the direction of proving our civilization has gotten some help from extra terrestrials,
I was a criminal justice major but after I realized I had a genuine interest in this area I decided it was time to really pursue this and put all of of my energy into it. I'm passionate about this I'm secure in the fact that I would be completely happy researching this for several years. So I changed my major to science and am planning of getting a bach in anthroplogy but that is subject to change if I find a degree that gives me more opportunities in the field that I choose.
So with that the next two years I will be earning my associates in science but i still plan on doing my own research and directing my education in the direction of proving our civilization has gotten some help from extra terrestrials,
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Does anyone just have a night where they have this feeling that can't be ignored? As if you are being drawn to a place or a specific topic? Ever since I was little I have felt this hole in reality. Just this slice of understanding that everyone has missed. As I grow older and hopefully wiser that hole seems to get smaller but to me that is like adding an inch to the edge of the grand canyon. It may be smaller, however there is still a gigantic hole.
I have so many questions and theories I can't keep them straight and I am starting to forget them. Which is unfortunate because I think I have figured out the solutions to world wide problems 80 times over. Whatever. I remember having one of these epiphanies very early in life. I would say around six or seven years old. One day it just became clear to me that nothing in this life is certain and the truth has been hidden by the passing of several years and watering down of basic wisdom and knowledge. There are those out there that I am assuming have come to the same conclusions as I and want to change this. I applaud those individuals. What is boils down to, for me at least, is there is not one thing we learn as people, as humans, that we should take as fact until we see the results and evidence ourselves. Perception is reality. That statement is one of the most watered down phrases I have ever come across. It has such a deep and significant meaning but has been tainted and misunderstood. However it is to go against that very statement that I say that everyone has distorted it. But I disagree with how it has been interpreted and will say this. If you want to live your life through the TV and not see what is going on around you, then you will. If your aspirations are to be the root of the grapevine and stick your nose in every pile of shit lying around then you will be eyeball deep, constantly. We hear what we want to hear and accept what we want as long as it coincides with the thoughts and ideas of those around us. So when our reality is broken and we find ourselves eyeball deep in evidence that this world isn't what it seems, we turn away. And there, lies the reason this race has become ignorant and dim. Not only are we sheep but we like it when we are told our savior is a Shepard. We see the words of the bible as kind and inspirational but what if it were a story of our blind enslavement? Humans love to be led. We need it. We crave it.
So much evidence has made it's way into my hands these past months. Questions have been answered but for every question answered, ten questions take its place. So if you have stumbled upon this blog, I am assuming you have the same questions. So I hope we can all come together from our different ends of the nation...the world, and get as far deep into this as possible. And I don't mean to go all X-files but.......the truth IS out there.
I have so many questions and theories I can't keep them straight and I am starting to forget them. Which is unfortunate because I think I have figured out the solutions to world wide problems 80 times over. Whatever. I remember having one of these epiphanies very early in life. I would say around six or seven years old. One day it just became clear to me that nothing in this life is certain and the truth has been hidden by the passing of several years and watering down of basic wisdom and knowledge. There are those out there that I am assuming have come to the same conclusions as I and want to change this. I applaud those individuals. What is boils down to, for me at least, is there is not one thing we learn as people, as humans, that we should take as fact until we see the results and evidence ourselves. Perception is reality. That statement is one of the most watered down phrases I have ever come across. It has such a deep and significant meaning but has been tainted and misunderstood. However it is to go against that very statement that I say that everyone has distorted it. But I disagree with how it has been interpreted and will say this. If you want to live your life through the TV and not see what is going on around you, then you will. If your aspirations are to be the root of the grapevine and stick your nose in every pile of shit lying around then you will be eyeball deep, constantly. We hear what we want to hear and accept what we want as long as it coincides with the thoughts and ideas of those around us. So when our reality is broken and we find ourselves eyeball deep in evidence that this world isn't what it seems, we turn away. And there, lies the reason this race has become ignorant and dim. Not only are we sheep but we like it when we are told our savior is a Shepard. We see the words of the bible as kind and inspirational but what if it were a story of our blind enslavement? Humans love to be led. We need it. We crave it.
So much evidence has made it's way into my hands these past months. Questions have been answered but for every question answered, ten questions take its place. So if you have stumbled upon this blog, I am assuming you have the same questions. So I hope we can all come together from our different ends of the nation...the world, and get as far deep into this as possible. And I don't mean to go all X-files but.......the truth IS out there.
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