Image via Wikipedia Not to drag everyone down yesterday's post. I was in a weird mood. I just took a midterm and I am less than impressed with my performance. Human Biology is not a joke folks. But forget about my boring lousy life. I am looking for something else to pursue. Since everyone is so focused on Nibiru, unless I come accross something profound, I'll keep Nibiru talk minimal. So whats left then? Well Ancient Aliens is a very broad topic and with the way most Ancient astronaut theorists are you can pick any moment or event in history and they will link it to ancient extraterrestrial technology. I'm not bashing on them I think is quite humorous and I guess I have been put into that group anyway. Call me what you want I have labeled myself as a non-specific truth seeker. Again I am not as arrogant as I come across I have a healthy dose of sarcasm every morning: Bare with me. I realize yesterdays post also needs some editing. I know its not professional but there are worse people out there. I'll get to it.
As I said I am looking for a new focus. So I'll just throw some ideas out there. As I can tell by lack of comments these words are just floating out in the interweb. However I like to use this to catalog certain epiphanies and conclusions. So....What to write about. Genetics? Weird diseases? Origination of man? Evolution? The Illuminati? Oh! Can I say something about the Illuminati? Please, if you think you sound more intelligent by saying Nibiru is made up by the Illuminati to spread their religious beliefs and to control the world blah blah blah. Let me open your eyes to the fact you are viewed just as insane as anyone else even considering the Idea that there is a planet coming towards us. I get very irritated and annoyed when someone throws me the Illuminati ball at me. I just think to myself REALLY? That isn't a trump card you can throw down at anytime to when the argument. I don't know much about them but it seems when I argue with someone who does and I know more about what I am arguing than they do, it always seems to turn out, no matter what was last said, they think they are right. I am not trying to generalize all Illuminati experts but half the time they aren't experts and get information from shady sources. If you ask me I have never had an urge to learn about them because it just doesn't seem true to me. Yes, there is some ancient secret society that oulls all the puppet strings of the government and uses famous members to sway public opinion and attention. And you look at me like I am weird because I believe there is intelligent life somewhere in the universe? right..... Ans people who come at me thumping the bible as if it could be trusted as an accurate historical document when it was supposedly written in a time when it couldn't be corrupted are tarnished by the hands of greedy men. Please... I believe there is an omnipotent force. I am a spiritual person and believe that there is some sort of after-life. That isn't the problem: praying, having faith, charity, community volunteering, practicing a positive lifestyle. Those things aren't the problem. Its the greed and politics behind the curtain I don't like. The Bible does speak of peace but so does the Karan. It is the people who misuse it and twist its words in their favor. That is what I don't like. Freedom's definition has become tainted and altered. Freedom to me is not to be bound by money or government. I think Money is the main root of our problems and we should get rid of it. That is my opinion yet do you think if the government and which ever random branch they'd send to question me to make sure I am not a terrorist, would look at my words and not want to punish me? In the public eye, no. Of course not. They stray away from publicly violating a persons civil rights. Call me a socialist or communist or any of those words that triggered a specific response in your mind. If the communist system wasn't abused and so limiting it may have worked. I don't know. But I still think money is ridiculous and we give false value to a piece of paper that an organization can print at will. What should have real value to us is the people that make our everyday life possible. Even the angst teenager at the McDonalds drive through window who hands you your morning coffee and breakfast. Why is it that we have work to be done and nobody is doing it? Oh! because we don't have these pieces of paper to give you when you're done! Oh shit! Wow...If I had a neighbor who gardened really well but couldn't cook worth a damn but I was an excellent cook.....can you connect the dots? If we traded our skills then that would force everyone to become useful and if you weren't useful than you wouldn't have a place to live, eat or have fun. People get into professions because they are good at it and they enjoy doing it. That is all anyone needs in their life is satisfaction and no stress. I'll give you an example I think may work. Think communal living without the hippies. You would still be able to have a huge house with all its sparkling glamor but you would have to live in a community that had a team of construction workers and you would have to have a en equally useful skill to add to the community. Then the smaller communities could trade jobs with other small communities. I understand it could have some of the same issues as any other system but at least they couldn't take you're skill from you. If you are a welder then you will always know how to weld and you'd just have to find someone who needed a welder. I am not going to plan out a whole economical structure here...I think I am making my point. Well it was interesting how that turned out. I guess today I am feeling a little more on the government conspiracy side. or am I always?
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