Okay, so lately I've been focusing my research on Nibiru. For those of you in the dark on what that is, I'm not going to explain. As my title says there are endless answers to you questions and those answers will only cause endless questions. Look it up. The internet is packed full of information.
I first became aware of the planet while reading Zecharia Sitchin's work. Though I haven't made it through the first book yet, He makes compelling arguments. As well as providing an excruciating amount of information and evidence. And the internet only amplifies the evidence brought forth by him. You would be amazed at what these so called "independent" anthropologists, archeologists, scientists, doctors and all of the sorts are finding in our history and believe it or not our present. They can't be making it up. Impossible. To even mention a serious interest of pursuing research in this field is complete career suicide, in the sense you aren't going to get funding from "typical" donors or schools. If they do they have to claim its for some other "reasonable" reason. The "mainstream" just doesn't put up with it. And it's not hard to guess why. Money makes this world go around and the people that control it, don't like it when out of control things are obviously going on. So let the cover ups begin! They will have every asshole critic and wise ass making you feel dumb for believing the "crazy" people. And if that is what they want to call me and you're going to believe it, I don't care. Ignorance truly is bliss. A false bliss that almost all of us are content on continuing. Thinking for yourself isn't encouraged and practically deemed dangerous and the people you interact with on a daily basis are subconsciously conditioned to nurse that idea.
Of course there aren't classes in college that out right say in the title "deceit 101". No. They manipulate every phrase and word so its psychologically satisfying to your ears. Therefore you don't attend deceit 101, you attend debate class, or business class. I once met a man who was a professor at a small law school who admitted the techniques he taught weren't to "do the right thing" or "win, fair and square" or even "administer justice". The techniques were how to take any piece of information and make it work for you, whether it was honest or not. Basically manipulation and lying class. The evidence of this is all around. And the reason I am getting so deep into this "manipulation" thing is, people are going to say "Nibiru isn't real And this single person said so and that is why I believe it isn't". And what will you say back? I don't know? Yes it is? You're wrong? That won't make you better than them and it certainly won't make you right. I'm not here to tell you about all the evidence. I'm saying the evidence is out there. Don't believe all of it, of course not. But do take it in to consideration instead of just saying "NOPE! Not real! The news says its not real. why would they lie?" The news has every reason to lie. The news has every reason to push your attention else where. Propaganda has evolved. Not a lot, but it has to a certain point. Everyone thinks propaganda is for third world countries and dictatorships. No my friend, It's here and now. Just look around.
Oh im gonna post a comment alright!!!! I can not believe this shit that im reading. This is by far the most profound thing that has ever graced the outerlayer of my consiousness... ITS A BISMAL!! Just kidding Blakey, this is great. Keep up the research. Some of the things that I have read point toward this event changing the polarity of the planet. Im not gonna waste everyones time by referencing this info because... 1.Its all over the internet. and...2. Because its on the internet IT MUST BE TRUE!! Well it feels true anyway. And I will continue the research along side of my sister till Nibiru either shows up, or destroys us. Either way it is an experience we all have to deal with and can not avoid. One can not be afraid, fear is what causes people to cling to the propaganda that our government so graciously has provided for us... at a cost to us. One can be aware of these things, but that in no way exempts anyone from its hypnotism. There is different levels of deception, as im sure you can imagine. Put yourself in their shoes for a sec...You have an entire gigantic mass of people under your spell. What would happen if you didnt have a plan for those few people who are not blinded by the same crap everyone else is? and I answer...You make a different plan. Its that easy. We are followers remember? even those that control...still they follow themselves, their feelings, and desires. What kind of plan you ask? well.. thats where things get a bit tricky. Because there are people that can not just conform, we must entertain these people with things they enjoy. Science, conspiracy, physics, and there is a whole slew of other things. Im not saying that these things i have listed are lies, but we only learn as much about these things as they want us too. Control. Only until you get out of school and start putting things together for yourself will you ever understand. I have been very fortunate to have a professor that is not bound by these limitations. Knowlege passes through him as light passes through glass. Everyone can find these people if they allow intuition to guide them. This is also something that control has covered up. Dulling people in this fashion has quieted the intervoice of many people. Many of us alive today have had that voice quieted sense birth. Hence they dont know it is even there. Its there ifone listens, But how do you listen? What do you listen for? These are all questions that need answers but only the asker of the question can answer, for it is not the same with everyone else. I can sit here and write out everything that has inevidibaly lead me to the conclusions that I have stated in my comment, but that would not satify the thrist for someone else completely. All I am doing is offering a different perspective, which is how theories become facts. For example...a long time ago, I started reading the bible...it didnt go well. Needless to say, I didnt study the bible very hard. I got feed up with it quiet quickly. Not until recently I have started to read The Kolbrin, then I started to glean through The Bible a little bit. It is amazing what a different perspective will do. Im not saying I am going to start screaming Christ saves through the streets. But it is the idea that Christ saves, That is what saves people. It gives you courage to stand up and fight, or maybe just write a blog. There are many things one can earn from the bible if you are able to read between the lines. You can learn to control someone if that is what your looking for. Its all about intention at this point. More offen then not poor intentions lead to negative outcomes. That is one of the very first things that I have learned that has opened my eyes. People need to wake up. That is what must be done. We must wake them. Because we are able. Only those awake can do the awakening.