Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Comet Elein

You learn something new everyday.....or whatever they say. The theories are endless. I stumbled upon ( not the website) a blog two nights ago. I decided to read it because the blog's author was discrediting Zecharia Sitchin's work. ( there are always haters) I read the whole thing and wasn't too impressed. But the comments are always the most intriguing. Another poster said something about Comet Elenin. I haven't heard anything else about it. According to Elenincomet.org it was discovered in 2010 and should appear in our area in september this year. By october 2011 it will be visible with binoculars. While it's being speculated that it will have any affect on us, Nasa stands their ground it wont have any noticeable affects. Uh! hello? The sun has the greatest effect on us and its way further away! And it's kind of funny that we have all these apocolyptic phrophecies dated for the next couple years and when a comet is coming our way and they say....Oh no don't worry about that.... WTF! Completely outrageous. That comet is probably just the beginning. According to various articles quoting NASA the closest it will get is 22 million miles. That is still technically "deep space" about 90 times the distance between the moon and earth. Well excuse me NASA for being such an idiot for think that this dinky comet might do something unexpected. Youtube does nothing to back NASA's claims. Russian news reports and press releases claim the the comet is under intelligent control that it is coming straight for us. What ever the truth we will have some sort of show on October 16th 2011. Very close. Mark your calenders. BTW..... There are rumors that Comet Elenin is supposed to cause earth quakes. I felt the earth quake today while sitting in my living room. I live in Ohio! Earth quakes are a rarity here. People in New York City felt it. Washington DC was evacuating politicians. Evacuating? seriously? Do they evacuate Californian politicians every time there is an Earthquake. You'd think they would know if there were and inbound bomb or just an Earthquake. wow. Something is fishy.
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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Behind the Sun

Cute Huh? I decided to join the search for Nibiru in the sky. Everyone is snapping pictures of the sun and claiming to capture the famed planet behind it. Some of the are certainly convincing but I had to see for myself. And guess what? Nothing is there! lol...This is not to say I don't believe. But Absolutely doesn't move me one way or the other. Just experimenting. That's what science is. I also provide a photo below of one of the claims. Is it convincing to you? Personally not me. But I'm very open minded and will leave some room for interpretation.

Foto NibiruImage via Wikipedia

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Nibiru....endless questions, endless answers

Okay, so lately I've been focusing my research on Nibiru. For those of you in the dark on what that is, I'm not going to explain. As my title says there are endless answers to you questions and those answers will only cause endless questions. Look it up. The internet is packed full of information.
I first became aware of the planet while reading Zecharia Sitchin's work. Though I haven't made it through the first book yet, He makes compelling arguments. As well as providing an excruciating amount of information and evidence. And the internet only amplifies the evidence brought forth by him. You would be amazed at what these so called "independent" anthropologists, archeologists, scientists, doctors and all of the sorts are finding in our history and believe it or not our present. They can't be making it up. Impossible. To even mention a serious interest of pursuing research in this field is complete career suicide, in the sense you aren't going to get funding from "typical" donors or schools. If they do they have to claim its for some other "reasonable" reason. The "mainstream" just doesn't put up with it. And it's not hard to guess why. Money makes this world go around and the people that control it, don't like it when out of control things are obviously going on. So let the cover ups begin! They will have every asshole critic and wise ass making you feel dumb for believing the "crazy" people. And if that is what they want to call me and you're going to believe it, I don't care. Ignorance truly is bliss. A false bliss that almost all of us are content on continuing. Thinking for yourself isn't encouraged and practically deemed dangerous and the people you interact with on a daily basis are subconsciously conditioned to nurse that idea.
Of course there aren't classes in college that out right say in the title "deceit 101". No. They manipulate every phrase and word so its psychologically satisfying to your ears. Therefore you don't attend deceit 101, you attend debate class, or business class. I once met a man who was a professor at a small law school who admitted the techniques he taught weren't to "do the right thing" or "win, fair and square" or even "administer justice". The techniques were how to take any piece of information and make it work for you, whether it was honest or not. Basically manipulation and lying class. The evidence of this is all around. And the reason I am getting so deep into this "manipulation" thing is, people are going to say "Nibiru isn't real And this single person said so and that is why I believe it isn't". And what will you say back? I don't know? Yes it is? You're wrong? That won't make you better than them and it certainly won't make you right. I'm not here to tell you about all the evidence. I'm saying the evidence is out there. Don't believe all of it, of course not. But do take it in to consideration instead of just saying "NOPE! Not real! The news says its not real. why would they lie?" The news has every reason to lie. The news has every reason to push your attention else where. Propaganda has evolved. Not a lot, but it has to a certain point. Everyone thinks propaganda is for third world countries and dictatorships. No my friend, It's here and now. Just look around.
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