Saturday, November 26, 2011


Vitruvian Man, Gallerie dell'Accademia, Venice
Image via Wikipedia
Sometimes I find myself losing interest in things but today I am not losing interest: my interest is shifting. I am Not so sure I want to worry my little head about whether there is a huge conspiracy against the human race or how we were created or how we became. I think it is an answer that is hidden for a reason and can't be found even if I devote my life to it. If any of the theories that I have come across are remotely true then it's more than likely our creators now us best and no what we can't find or understand. I don't think we have the ability to understand how complex our existence is. That is a whole other level that I'm not even going to attempt because my brain would hurt. Our race gives value to things that are valuable. For instances money. Money is useless. Yes, you can hand it to a store clerk and they will let you walk out the door with what ever merchandise you have in your cart, but so what. If I promised a blow job, I would see the same results if it were acceptable to offer such a thing so promiscuously. People what money because they believe they have to have it to live. I can assure everyone that you don't. If everyone took all the money and credit cards and the mindset that it was all worth something and throw it out the window, there would be no arguing with us. Us as a people. Us as a race. Us, the people, against the government and those sponsoring their acts. It all comes down to the fact none of this matters. Not the TV shows you watch, not the news, not the academy award winning crap , none of it. I have always known that I wanted to do something great. I have always known that I will do something great. I am just waiting for the perfect time. When that is I don't know but I do know when it is that time; I'll know.
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Friday, November 18, 2011

The dreaded "I" word

Owl of Athena (cut off an old coin)
Image via Wikipedia
I never thought I would be writing about this.....deep breath. Okay so you tube is of course everyone's go-to site when it comes to people putting out the truth and just plain old bull crap. However, this one subject I found copious videos, as I figured I would. So with that I will say what it is. Illuminati. Those dreaded psycho, secret society, sacrificing, greedy dick heads. This is the message given to readers and watchers of the internet. Now, while the internet is a wealth of information it is also a well straight ca-ca. So how do you know what is real and what is not? Ha! What is real in the "real world" any way? The truth is, you can't know. You have to take the evidence presented and consider it with your current knowledge and make you judgments and assumptions accordingly. The list of celebrities involved in this infamous secret society that has survived centuries if not thousands of years. I will admit my knowledge of them is still limited. There is only so much time in the day I devote to the corrupt portion of the world. But what I have found is that it seems there is evidence all around us that points to the Illuminati being apart of our lives more than we could ever understand. Creepy right? I don't feel comfortable naming videos or sources by name or address so feel free to just type Illuminati in your search engine and see what you find. You'll be skeptical of lady gaga, I can tell you that for sure. From what I understand, it wouldn't be a good idea for me to bash their name all over the internet. So I encourage everyone to look into it themselves.
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

silly world

Freedom's just a word today
Freedom's just a word
When someone takes your word away it's seldom ever heard
So take a sentence full of things you're not supposed to say
Carry on, but don't write it down or you'll be gone

Love is just a song today
Love is just a song
When someone takes the song away
you seldom sing along
So take those lyrics serious and sing your life away
Carry on, but don't write 'em down or they'll be gone

All we ever do is talk
We like to ride but we never walk
We make it so damn easy
We get bored
Why can't anybody see what's good for you is good for me
I can't take your sillyworld
I can't take your sillyworld no more

Peace is just two fingers now
Peace was just a phase
When someone put it on a shirt
you knew to count the days
So take those fingers tape 'em up and shove 'em up your ass and carry on
but don't try it now cause peace is gone

All we ever do is talk
We like to ride but we never walk
We make it so damn easy
We get bored
Why can't anybody see what's good for you is bad for me
I can't take your sillyworld
I can't take your sillyworld no more

We fight our instincts
We go to extremes
We fight our instincts
We go to extremes

We fought a lot
- Stone sour

Friday, November 4, 2011

Composition project

Oh goodie for me I get to write my first big project for school. I have 3 big projects due at the end of November but the Composition project is what I am excited about most. I get get to argue a position of my choice and of course guess what I am choosing! Of course something to do with ALIENS! I can't decide whether I am going to argue that Our race was started by aliens or whether intelligent extraterrestrials exist at all. the latter would be easier to get a better grade on. So After I get it written then I will post it.